Contribute to the blog

Would you like to contribute to the Fe-line blog? We are always looking for guest bloggers.


Benefits for you

  • Short bio about you included in post
  • Links to your website or blog included in post
  • Your post will be shared on the Fe-line Facebook and Twitter pages

Submission guidelines

Articles should be written on the following topics:

  • Music
  • Fashion
  • Inspiration

Subcategory ideas:

  • Inspirational female artists/bands
  • Gig review of female artist/band
  • Posts about life as female artist
  • Outfit post about your favourite outfits/favourite item of clothing
  • What your style says about you
  • An outfit for a certain occasion
  • A styled fashion shoot
  • Business guides and how tos
  • How you achieved something in life, new business, new hobby, new idea
  • Your views on body image
  • Posts about self love
  • Posts about what makes you feel good and why
  • How you have overcome something difficult
  • Posts about your favourite/interesting hobbies
  • Craft how tos
  • Posts/interviews about inspirational women
  • Guides to your area of expertise: marketing, blogging, writing etc.

The list is pretty endless for subcategories but overall the Fe-line blog is about telling stories and bringing women together through these stories so if you have a story to tell, write it.

About your article

  • It must be original for Fe-line and not taken from your own blog or anyone else’s
  • It must be between 500-800 words
  • Please no sales pitches for your business or product, your post content should guide people to your websites
  • Posts must include links to any businesses or blogs that you have mentioned in your post.

About photos

  • Preferably of you or your original work (the world wants to see all you awesome women)
  • Between 600- 1000 pixels wide, I like pictures to be the whole width of the blog
  • In focus and good quality (please don’t send in blurry pictures)
  • Photos that are not your own must be credited to whoever took them or where you got them from.

I’ll scratch yours if you scratch mine

In return for being featured on Fe-line me and the cat do expect at least one share on your social media sites in return. The more sharing that happens, the more popular the blog becomes and this is beneficial to Fe-line and your website/blog.

Please send your blog posts, along with a short bio (about 3 sentences) and links to your blog to: 



Copyright Fe-line Women 2011-2013