Hear it, Wear it, Feel it
Welcome to Fe-line, Fe-line is a blog and event organisation company aiming to bring ambitious and courageous women together. It is put together by me, Jo, my wonderful team Debs, Rosie and Anaïs and a group of fantastic female bloggers, you can meet the team here. Music, fashion and inspiration are our passions and we are aiming to reach all of the women out there who like to do things a little differently. Our events will be returning to Oxford in September 2014. Our blog is for women (and men) all around the world, we hope you enjoy reading.
The values that underpin Fe-line are bringing people together (physically or virtually), sharing stories, championing and supporting independent business, listening to loud music, wearing outrageous outfits and having fun with it. There are so many people out there with a fantastic stories to tell, and we want to tell as many as possible.
I was born in Stoke-on-Trent but landed in Oxford four and a half years ago after brief stints in Swansea, Toronto and Newbury. I love making things online, writing things, having fun with the people that I love, running and taking photographs of my friends posing with shoes as phones.
I started Fe-line in January 2012 initially to bring the women of Oxfordshire together to share stories, learn new things, get inspiration, meet new people and have fun! Since then
Fe-line has grown beyond Oxfordshire in the form of the blog and reaches out to women from all over the world.
I have lived a little bit of a nomadic existence in my twenties but I still need a community to support me and help me to find creative solutions. I was searching for this community and I couldn’t find it, so I started Fe-line.
Fe-line is for the women of the world that see life a little differently, they are creative, artistic women that might have felt at one point that they didn’t fit in! They would rather be in their rooms making something fabulous than sat watching Eastenders. I wanted Fe-line to provide a way for these courageous and ambitious women to leverage themselves beyond their bedrooms.
In the real world Fe-line allows the women of Oxford to tell their stories, play their music and they sell their wares through our events. And in the virtual world myself and the Fe-line contributors share our own stories of what we have achieved, what we like to do and what we think, because sharing knowledge is important and we can all learn from one another.
Fe-line has changed my life, by trying to aid others I have helped myself beyond belief. I have met women that I understand and connect with and they have helped me to become more confident, funnier and content with the world. I lost my way in my twenties and tried to fit in with the crowd, although it never felt right. Now I know and like who I am for the first time in years and it feels good.
Enjoy your time hanging out with the cat,
Photos by Little Miss Joey